How to price your art

How to price your art

Pricing art can be tricky, but here are three effective methods to consider: Cost-Plus Pricing: Calculate the total cost of creating the artwork, including materials, time, and overhead. Then, add a markup percentage for profit. This method ensures you cover your...
Posting Content to Website

Posting Content to Website

A workshop will be held on Saturday Sept 28th at Whitney for members of Miramichi Art Core. The workshop is about 4 hours in lenght and at the end members will be able to post content to the Art Core or the Art Tells Stories websites. Bring a laptop if you have one....
A simple method for photographing your art

A simple method for photographing your art

Many artist want to photograph their own art.  Often these photos are then used on internet web pages, rack cards and other marketing materials used by the artist. Sadly the resulting images are often badly taken, poorly lighted, crooked, out of focus and sometimes...